
Introductory Courses

Introduction to Ethnic Studies, Lawrence University

Introduction to Disability Studies, Lawrence University

Introduction to Asian American Studies, Lawrence University

Introduction to American Studies, Lawrence University

Wilderness in the North American Imagination, Yale University & Lawrence University

Environmental Documentary, Lawrence University

Gender, Sports, and Society, Lawrence University

Republic to Nation: The United States, 1789-1896, Lawrence University

Media and Medicine in Modern America, Yale University & Lawrence University

First Year Studies 100 and 101, Lawrence University

Critical Thinking, Reading, and Writing in the Liberal Arts, Lawrence University Summer Institute

Intermediate Courses

Social Justice and Critical Geography, Lawrence University

Race and Urban Ecologies, Lawrence University

Race, Class, Gender, and Sex, Lawrence University

Ecocinema: Aesthetics and Environmental Justice, Lawrence University

Global Rivers, Lawrence University

Workplace Diversity and Equity, Lawrence University

Environmental Inequalities, Yale University

History of the American Environment, Lawrence University

Social Ecologies (independent study), Lawrence University

Gender and the American Landscape (independent study), Lawrence University

Mob History in the United States (independent study), Lawrence University

Advanced Courses

Environmental Studies Senior Capstone, Lawrence University

Sports and Politics in American History, Lawrence University

Transformative Justice and Abolitionist Approaches (independent study), Lawrence University

Teaching Fellow at Yale University

Introduction to Ethnicity, Race, and Migration, Dr. Alicia Schmidt Camacho

Women in Modern America, Dr. Joanne Meyerowitz

American Novel Since 1945, Dr. Amy Hungerford

The American West, Dr. John Mack Faragher

Media and Medicine in Modern America, Drs. John Harley Warner and Gretchen Berland

Yale Center for Teaching and Learning

Designed and team-taught workshops for postdoctoral fellows, graduate students and the broader Yale community on the following topics:

Fundamentals of Teaching History

Teaching First Generation & Non-Traditional Students

Promoting Reading Excellence in the Humanities

Promoting Writing Excellence in the Humanities

Lecture Observation Series

Peer Observation Series

Department of Education, Teaching American History Grant, University of Arizona

Reading in the Social Studies: Reciprocal Teaching Strategies

Worked with middle-school teachers from the Tucson Unified School District to supplement gaps in the curriculum and enhance teachers’ understanding of U.S. history. Met with teachers individually to develop curriculum and help improve student achievement. Led the following content and professional development seminars:

U.S. in a Global Age: Early Imperialism

Industrialization and the American Landscape, 1850-1930

Reading in the Social Studies: Reciprocal Teaching Strategies

Civil Rights

News article about the Teaching American History Grant, University of Arizona.

English Teacher, Flowing Wells High School, Tucson, Arizona

11th Grade American Literature

10th Grade English Literature

9th Grade Global Studies